Identify the property that justifies the statement


Would this be the distributive property or Inverse Prop of Multi? Kind of confused

Thank you


better go back and read up on both topics

To identify the property that justifies the statement (5+7)6 = 30+42, we can analyze the equation and compare it to the properties.

The equation (5+7)6 = 30+42 involves the addition of 5 and 7 within parentheses, followed by the multiplication of the sum by 6.

The left-hand side of the equation simplifies to (12)6, while the right-hand side simplifies to 72.

To determine the property being used, we need to consider how the numbers are being manipulated.

The distributive property states that a(b + c) = ab + ac. This property allows us to distribute a factor to each term within parentheses. In this case, (5+7)6 can be viewed as the result of distributing the factor 6 to both 5 and 7 separately:

(5+7)6 = 5*6 + 7*6 = 30 + 42.

As we can see, both sides of the equation have the same value, making it an example of the distributive property.

Therefore, the property that justifies the statement (5+7)6 = 30+42 is the distributive property.