Satellite images help meteorologists in all the following ways except:

a) monitoring changes in the strength of storms

b) locating areas of high and low pressure systems.

c) predicting rainfall amounts

d) recording daily high and low temperatures.

I think the answer is c or d.. mostly c but i'm not sure and I can't find it in my textbook.

Probably "d"

I've seen weathermen/women forecast rainfall expectations by means of satellite imagery (dark grays vs light grays), but not temperatures ... and certainly not as specific as daily highs and lows!

Thank you sooo much it was right!

You're welcome!

which is it?d or c

To determine the correct answer, let's analyze each option and understand how satellite images are used by meteorologists.

a) Monitoring changes in the strength of storms: Satellite images are crucial for monitoring the development and evolution of storms. They provide real-time information about cloud formations, storm structures, and changes in storm intensity. Therefore, option a is a valid use of satellite images for meteorologists.

b) Locating areas of high and low-pressure systems: Satellite images help meteorologists identify areas of high and low-pressure systems by observing the cloud patterns associated with these pressure systems. This information is essential for weather forecasting. Thus, option b is also a valid use of satellite images.

c) Predicting rainfall amounts: Satellite images provide valuable data on cloud cover, moisture content, and atmospheric conditions. This information helps meteorologists estimate and predict rainfall amounts in different regions. Therefore, option c is a valid use of satellite images for meteorologists.

d) Recording daily high and low temperatures: Satellite images are not directly used to record daily high and low temperatures. Instead, temperature records are obtained through ground-based weather stations equipped with thermometers. Satellite images focus on capturing atmospheric phenomena rather than temperature measurement. Hence, option d is the correct answer to your question.

In summary, satellite images help meteorologists in all the listed ways except for recording daily high and low temperatures (option d).