Complete a Soapstone chart of the Crisis December 23, 1776 by Thomas paine with textual evidence.

How would you like us to help you with this assignment?

The textual evidence part pls.

I think you have to read Paine's essay to find it.


To complete a SOAPSTONE chart for Thomas Paine's Crisis December 23, 1776, you would need to analyze the following elements: Speaker, Occasion, Audience, Purpose, Subject, and Tone. Here's how you can fill in the chart with some relevant textual evidence:

1. Speaker:
Identify the speaker, considering their background and perspective. In this case, the speaker is Thomas Paine, a prominent political activist during the American Revolution.

2. Occasion:
Determine the context and the event that gave rise to the speech or written piece. For Crisis December 23, 1776, the occasion is the critical time during the American Revolution after the Continental Army's series of defeats.

3. Audience:
Identify the target readership or listeners. In this case, Paine's audience includes the American colonists who were involved in the Revolutionary War, aiming to motivate and inspire them to continue their fight for independence.

4. Purpose:
Examine the goal or objective the speaker is trying to achieve. Paine's purpose in Crisis December 23, 1776 is to boost morale and maintain revolutionary spirits among the colonists amidst a bleak situation.

5. Subject:
Identify the main topic or issue being addressed. In this case, the subject is the crisis faced by the American revolutionaries at that specific moment. It highlights the desperate need for perseverance and resilience in the face of adversity.

6. Tone:
Evaluate the attitude or emotional disposition conveyed by the speaker. Paine's tone in this piece is one of urgency, determination, and rallying the resolve of the colonists. He seeks to invoke a sense of righteous indignation and the belief that victory is within reach.

Here is an example of how you can fill out the SOAPSTONE chart:

SOAPSTONE Chart - Crisis December 23, 1776 by Thomas Paine

Thomas Paine, a prominent political activist during the American Revolution.

The critical time during the American Revolution, after a series of defeats by the Continental Army.

The American colonists involved in the Revolutionary War.

To motivate and inspire the colonists to continue fighting for independence.

The crisis faced by the American revolutionaries at that moment, emphasizing the need for perseverance and resilience.

The tone is urgent, determined, and rallying the resolve of the colonists.


Remember, while filling the SOAPSTONE chart, seek textual evidence and quotes from Paine's work to support your analysis of each element.