A collection of coins contains 12 nickels, 3 quarters, and 9 dimes. What is the percent of dimes in the collection?Express your answer to the ones place.

Add them all together, THEN DIVIDE THE NUMBER OF DIMES BY THE TOTAL. Multiply the answer by 100 to convert to percent. Round to the ones place; i.e., a whole number.

To find the percent of dimes in the collection, we need to determine the total number of coins and the number of dimes.

The collection contains 12 nickels, 3 quarters, and 9 dimes. To find the total number of coins, we sum up these values:

12 nickels + 3 quarters + 9 dimes = 12 + 3 + 9 = 24

So, the collection contains a total of 24 coins.

Now, we can find the percentage of dimes in the collection. Divide the number of dimes by the total number of coins and then multiply by 100 to get the percentage:

(9 dimes / 24 total coins) * 100 = (0.375) * 100 = 37.5

The percent of dimes in the collection is 37.5%. However, the question asks us to express the answer to the ones place, which means rounding to the nearest whole number.

Since the first decimal place is 5 or greater (0.5), we round up the percentage. Hence, the percent of dimes in the collection is approximately 38%.

Add them all together and then divide by the number of dimes. Put your answer in the ones place.