Design the pseudocode for a program that outputs numbers in reverse order from 10 down to 1 using a loop?


FOR i = 10 to 1 STEP -1

Sure! Here's a pseudocode that outputs numbers in reverse order from 10 down to 1 using a loop:

// Initialize a variable 'num' to store the current number
num = 10

// Start a loop from 10 down to 1
while num >= 1:
// Output the current number
output num

// Decrease the value of 'num' by 1
num = num - 1

// Exit the loop

This pseudocode uses a while loop to iterate from 10 down to 1. Inside the loop, the current value of `num` is outputted, and then the value of `num` is decreased by 1. The loop continues until `num` reaches 1.

To design pseudocode for a program that outputs numbers in reverse order from 10 down to 1, you can use a loop, such as a while loop or a for loop. Here's an example pseudocode using a for loop:

1. Set a variable `num` to 10.

2. Start a for loop that iterates from `num` down to 1 (inclusive) with a step size of -1.
For i = `num` to 1 with step -1, do steps 3-4.

3. Output the value of `num`.

4. End the loop.

5. Program finished.

This pseudocode sets the initial value of `num` to 10, then utilizes a for loop to iterate from `num` down to 1, outputting the value of `num` at each iteration. The loop continues until the condition is met (reaching 1). Finally, the program is finished.

You can now use this pseudocode as a blueprint to write the program in your preferred programming language.