The graphs of ​ f(x)=−5/3x+9 ​ and ​ g(x)=2^x−1​ intersect at (3, 4) .

What is the solution of −5/3x+9=2^x−1 ?

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They do not intersect at (3,4)

(3,4) does not satisfy g(x) = 2^x - 1
RS = 2^3 - 1 = 7
LS = 4, no good

(3,4) work in f(x) = -5/3x + 9
RS = -5/3(3) + 9
= 4
So it does work in the other equation.

did you mean g(x) = 2^(x-1) ??
RS = 2^2 = 4 = RS

you must have meant that!

so clearly the solution to
-5/3x + 9 = 2^(x-1) is x = 3

To solve the equation −5/3x+9=2^x−1, we can set the two equations equal to each other, since they intersect at (3, 4):

−5/3x + 9 = 2^x - 1

To proceed further, we can simplify the equation by multiplying through by 3 to eliminate the denominator:

-5x + 27 = 3(2^x) - 3

Next, we can move all terms to one side of the equation:

-5x - 3(2^x) = -30 + 3

Simplifying, we have:

-5x - 3(2^x) = -27

At this point, finding the exact solution analytically is not straightforward. However, we can use numerical methods or approximate solutions.

To solve the equation −5/3x+9=2^x−1, we need to find the value of x that makes the equation true.

One method to solve this equation is by graphing both functions f(x) = −5/3x + 9 and g(x) = 2^x − 1. The point of intersection of the two graphs represents the solution to the equation.

Given that the graphs intersect at (3, 4), we know that when x = 3, both f(x) and g(x) have the same y-value, which is 4.

Now let's substitute x = 3 into both equations and see if we get the same y-value:

For f(x): f(3) = −5/3(3) + 9 = -5 + 9 = 4
For g(x): g(3) = 2^3 − 1 = 8 − 1 = 7

As we can see, the y-values are not the same when x = 3. Therefore, (3, 4) cannot be the solution to the equation −5/3x + 9 = 2^x − 1.

Hence, there is no solution to the equation −5/3x + 9 = 2^x − 1.