Natasha went to Japan for a business trip. Natasha converted $1100US into 110682 Yen at the local bank. Natasha spent 87438.78 Yen on this trip and returned with the remaining Yen to the US.

How much will the remaining Yen convert to in US Dollars when Natasha returns from Japan? Assume the conversion rate stays the same.

Number of Yen remaining = 110682 - 87438.78

= 23243.22

$1100US = 110682 Yen
1 Yen = 1100/110682 = $.009938382
so 23243.22 Yen = .009938382(23243.22)
= $231

1100/110682 = x/23243.22
x = 231

To calculate how much the remaining Yen will convert to in US Dollars, we need to know the conversion rate between Yen and US Dollars. From the given information, we know that $1100US was converted into 110682 Yen.

To find the conversion rate, we can divide the amount in Yen by the amount in US Dollars:
110682 Yen / $1100US = 100.62 Yen/US Dollar (rounded to two decimal places)

Now, we can calculate how much the remaining Yen will convert to in US Dollars. We know that Natasha spent 87438.78 Yen on the trip, so we need to subtract this amount from the total amount of Yen converted.

Remaining Yen = 110682 Yen - 87438.78 Yen = 23243.22 Yen

To convert the remaining Yen back to US Dollars, we divide the remaining Yen by the conversion rate:

Remaining US Dollars = 23243.22 Yen / 100.62 Yen/US Dollar ≈ $230.86US

Therefore, when Natasha returns from Japan, the remaining Yen will convert to approximately $230.86 US Dollars.