what did they say about the man who drank shellac?

He had a lovely finish.

I'm sorry, but I cannot provide specific information about what "they" said without more context. Could you please provide more details or clarify your question?

To find information about what they said about the man who drank shellac, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by searching for news articles or reports related to the incident. Use search engines like Google or news websites to look for any articles that mention a man drinking shellac.

2. Use specific keywords like "man drinking shellac" or "shellac consumption news" to narrow down the search results.

3. Read through the articles to gather information about what was said. Look for direct quotes or statements from witnesses, experts, or authorities regarding the incident.

4. Check if any official statements were made by medical professionals, law enforcement, or any relevant organization regarding the man's health condition and potential consequences of consuming shellac.

5. Keep in mind that without specific details or context, it might be challenging to provide a more accurate response. Therefore, the information you obtain from conducting research will give you a better understanding of what was said about the man who drank shellac.

He was smooth.

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