Fine the max or min points and the points of inflection for the function y=3x^4 - 10x^3 - 12x^2 + 12x - 7

Can someone help me!!!

You just need to review the meanings of the 1st and 2nd derivatives.

y = 3x^4-10x^3+12x^2+12x-7
y' = 12x^3-30x^2+24x+12 =
y" = 36x^2-60x+24 = 12(3x-2)(x-1)

max/min where y'=0
inflection where y"=0

max if y'=0 and y"<0
min if y'=0 and y">0

That y' does not factor, so you will have to use some other method to find that y'(-0.33794) ≈ 0