the speed of sound is approximately 1.2 x 10^3km/h how long does it take for sound to travel 7.2 x 10^2km. answer in minutes

since time = distance/speed,

7.2*10^2km / 1.2*10^3km/hr = 0.6hr

Now convert to minutes.

To find the time it takes for sound to travel a certain distance, we need to use the formula:

Time = Distance / Speed

Given that the speed of sound is approximately 1.2 x 10^3 km/h and the distance is 7.2 x 10^2 km, we can substitute the values into the formula:

Time = (7.2 x 10^2 km) / (1.2 x 10^3 km/h)

To divide these numbers with exponents, we subtract the exponents:

Time = (7.2 / 1.2) x (10^2 / 10^3) km/h

Simplifying further, we divide 7.2 by 1.2:

Time = 6 x (10^2 / 10^3) km/h

To divide exponents, we subtract them:

Time = 6 x 10^(2-3) km/h

Time = 6 x 10^(-1) km/h

Since we want the answer in minutes, we need to convert hours to minutes. There are 60 minutes in an hour.

Time = (6 x 10^(-1) km/h) x (60 min/h)

To multiply exponents, we add them:

Time = 6 x 10^(-1+1) km/min

Time = 6 x 10^0 km/min

Simplifying further:

Time = 6 km/min

Therefore, it takes 6 minutes for sound to travel a distance of 7.2 x 10^2 km.