we'l find the time, t, for the ball to fall from the tabletop to the floor. use the equation Δy=viΔt+at^2/2. Take the vi to be zero and a to be 9.81 ±.02 m/s^2. you must first solve this equation for t.


what am i suppose to do with the acceleration because it has an uncertainty attached to it. do i have to come up with 2 answers? on the sheet the teacher gave me it only gave me on black spot to so there has to be one answer.

I assume she wants acceleration as xxx +-yy

The rules are here: do the division first, then the square rooot (power is 1/2)


To solve the equation Δy=viΔt+at^2/2 for time, t, we need to eliminate the other variables. Given that vi = 0 and Δy = 0.922 m, the equation simplifies to:

0.922 = 0 + a*t^2/2

We can rearrange this equation to isolate t:

t^2 = (2 * Δy) / a

Now, let's address the uncertainty in acceleration, where a = 9.81 ± 0.02 m/s^2. Since we are given a range of uncertainty, we need to consider both the minimum and maximum values of acceleration to find the corresponding values of time, t.

1. Calculate for the minimum acceleration:
t_min^2 = (2 * Δy) / (a_min)
t_min^2 = (2 * 0.922) / (9.81 - 0.02)
t_min^2 = 0.187
t_min ≈ √0.187
t_min ≈ 0.432 s (rounded to three decimal places)

2. Calculate for the maximum acceleration:
t_max^2 = (2 * Δy) / (a_max)
t_max^2 = (2 * 0.922) / (9.81 + 0.02)
t_max^2 = 0.187
t_max ≈ √0.187
t_max ≈ 0.432 s (rounded to three decimal places)

Based on the given range of uncertainty, the time it takes for the ball to fall from the tabletop to the floor ranges from 0.432 seconds to 0.432 seconds. Since both solutions are the same, you only need to provide one answer, which is 0.432 seconds.