-9 times the difference between a number and 63 is equal to the number plus -49 unknown is x .

Is this write? -9(x-63)=x+(-49)

Yes! -9(x-63) = x + (-49) = x-49.

Yes, your equation is correctly written.

To explain how this equation was derived, let's break it down step by step:

1. "The difference between a number and 63" is represented by "(x - 63)" since we don't know the exact value of the number and are using "x" as a variable to represent it.

2. "9 times the difference between a number and 63" can be written as "-9(x - 63)" since we are multiplying the difference by -9.

3. "Is equal to the number plus -49" can be written as "= x + (-49)" since we are adding -49 to the number.

Putting it all together, the equation becomes:
-9(x - 63) = x + (-49)