After a drought, the Great Salt Lake in Utah covered an area of 2450 kilometers squared or 35/64 the area of the lake under normal weather conditions. Find the area of Great Salt Lake under normal weather conditions.


It's correct. Trust me. Because I know and I care. *Cough*anonymous*Cough*

(35/64)a = 2450

a = 2450*64 /35

it is not correct

To find the area of the Great Salt Lake under normal weather conditions, we can use the information given in the problem.

We know that after the drought, the lake covered an area of 2450 square kilometers, which is also 35/64 of the area under normal conditions.

Let's call the area under normal conditions "A".

So, we have the equation:

2450 = (35/64) * A

To find A, we can multiply both sides of the equation by (64/35):

A = (2450 * 64) / 35

A = 4480 square kilometers.

Therefore, the area of the Great Salt Lake under normal weather conditions is 4480 square kilometers.

After a drought, the Great Salt Lake in Utah covered an area of 2450 kilometers squared or

the area of the lake under normal weather conditions. Find the area of Great Salt Lake under normal weather conditions

who knows who cares