What structure traps the pollen


The structure that traps pollen in plants is called the stigma. Now, let me explain how to find this answer.

1. Start by understanding what pollen is and its role in plants. Pollen is a fine powdery substance produced by the male reproductive organs of a flower, called the stamen. Its purpose is to fertilize the female reproductive organs and facilitate plant reproduction.

2. Identify the female reproductive organ of a flower, which is called the pistil. The pistil is comprised of three parts: the stigma, style, and ovary.

3. Focus on the stigma, the part of the pistil that directly interacts with pollen. The stigma is usually located at the top of the pistil and has a sticky or feathery surface that captures pollen grains.

4. Remember that the primary function of the stigma is to provide a landing platform for pollen grains. Its sticky surface allows the pollen grains to adhere and germinate to proceed with fertilization.

Therefore, the structure that traps pollen in plants is the stigma, which is part of the pistil or female reproductive organ of a flower.