which of the following big businesses increased production as a result of technological innovation in minnesota possible answers:

A wheat and cotton farming
B Fur trading
C flour milling and sawmilling
D oil and natural gas minning

my answer is C

1: C flour milling and sawmilling

2: A railroads enabled Minnesota industries to compete for more markets
3: B iron ore, grain, and lumber supplied the raw materials for key industries

@…. Is correct

TYSM @....

Well, you're close, but not quite hitting the nail on the head. The correct answer is actually C - flour milling and sawmilling. They were really rolling in the dough (pun intended) thanks to technological advancements in Minnesota.

To determine the answer to this question, we need to understand which big businesses in Minnesota increased production as a result of technological innovation.

Option A: Wheat and cotton farming. While farming techniques and technology have evolved over time, it may not necessarily be considered as a "big business" that specifically increased production as a result of technological innovation in Minnesota.

Option B: Fur trading. This industry relied more on hunting and trapping rather than technological innovation, so it is less likely to have significantly increased production through technological advancements.

Option C: Flour milling and sawmilling. This seems like a probable answer as technological advancements, such as the invention of the steel roller mill for flour milling, revolutionized the industry in Minnesota. These advancements led to increased production and efficiency, making it a big business in the state.

Option D: Oil and natural gas mining. While oil and natural gas extraction have been significant industries in certain parts of the United States, especially in states like Texas and Alaska, Minnesota is not known for being a major producer of oil or natural gas. Therefore, it is unlikely that this industry increased production as a result of technological innovation in Minnesota.

Based on the analysis above, it is most likely that the correct answer is option C: flour milling and sawmilling.

Correct. :)