find a appropriate formula for the area of a narrow circular ring

This is not very definitive;

narrow circular ring: washer? wedding band make of circular wire? flat circular ring made of horizontal flat stock rolled in a circle?

wedding band made of circular wire

find a appropriate formula for the area of a narrow circular band made of circular wire

ok. a donut, or torus. Take notes, stop the lecture as you digest, then go on.

i am so depress

about this subject

To find the formula for the area of a narrow circular ring, we first need to understand what a narrow circular ring is. It is a shape that is formed by two concentric circles, i.e., two circles that share the same center point but have different radii.

Let's call the radius of the larger circle R and the radius of the smaller circle r. The area of the narrow circular ring can be found by subtracting the area of the smaller circle from the area of the larger circle.

The formula to find the area of a circle is A = πr^2, where A is the area and r is the radius. Using this formula, the area of the larger circle is A1 = πR^2 and the area of the smaller circle is A2 = πr^2.

To find the area of the narrow circular ring, we can subtract A2 from A1:

Area of the ring = A1 - A2
= πR^2 - πr^2
= π(R^2 - r^2)

So, the appropriate formula for the area of a narrow circular ring is π(R^2 - r^2).