in a town of 3375 inhabitants 8/9 per cent are ill with influenza. how many people is that?

please help asap i have to go to sleep now

and so do you

You have two numbers. Do you think you should


Catherine/Everleigh/Bdeena -- please use the same name for your posts.


Wow -- be careful!!

How do you figure 8/9 percent?
Once you do, multiply that number by 3375.

how do you figure 8/9 percent

8/9% = 0.889% = 0.0089 = 89/10,000

To find out how many people are ill with influenza in a town of 3375 inhabitants, we need to calculate 8/9 percent of the total population.

Step 1: Convert 8/9 percent to a decimal
To convert a percentage to a decimal, divide it by 100.
8/9 percent = (8/9) / 100

Step 2: Calculate the decimal value
Perform the division to convert the fraction to a decimal.
(8/9) / 100 = 8/900

Step 3: Multiply the decimal value by the total population
Multiply the decimal value by the total population to find the number of people who are ill with influenza.
Number of people ill = 8/900 * 3375

Step 4: Calculate the result
Simplify the fraction and multiply it by 3375.
Number of people ill = (8 * 3375) / 900

Now let's calculate the result:

Number of people ill = (8 * 3375) / 900
= 27000 / 900
= 30

Therefore, in a town of 3375 inhabitants, there are 30 people who are ill with influenza.