1 The golden age of culture came during which empire?


2. This raja conquered weak kingdoms left by alexander the great ?
a) Chandragupta Maurya***

B) Asoka

C) Hari Krishna

D) Vishnu

3. In this section of the Mahabharata, Krisha talks about doing one's duty.



''Bhagavad Gita"***

4 Which of these rights did Indian women have? inheritance,Education**,divorce, or to selcet a husband

5. even today many indian marriages are
A long distance
B short
c arranged**
d invalid

6 what bordered the gupta empire to the north
A granges river
B India
C Himalaya**
D Bay of Bengal

7. the hindu kush are near which river a. ganges b. nile c. Arabian D Indus Idk

8.five hundred years after the mauryan dynasty failed ____ dynasty reunited much of northern india?

A kalidasa
B Asoka
C Gumpta**
D Hindu

9. the mauryan dynasty set up a _____ government which was controlled by the capital city

A city-state
B well-organized**
C theocratic
D democratic

10 How would prolonged winter monsoons influence farmers in India?

1. ***dry winds reduce the amount of rainfall causing crops not to grow.***
2. dry winds allow farmers to plant seeds earlier and the growing season to extend.
3. wet winds bring too much rainfall causing the seeds to drown in excess water.
4. wet winds bring the necessary rainfall from crops to grow and yield large harvests.

If you guys are doing social studies lesson 1 unit 6 here are the answers for connexus

8.c and b

here trust me your gonna get a 100% on it


We will check three of these answers.



Are you sure?

Abby is correct I got a 100%

what about 11

and if you have two assessment for lesson 1 unit 6 the second one will be

there and good luck !!
it may be different

THX "Everyone is perfect" is right i got a 100%

1. The answer is C. Gupta. To determine this, we can eliminate the options one by one by considering the historical context. The Roman Empire and the Persian Empire had their own golden ages, but these did not coincide with the golden age of culture in India. The Mauryan Empire, although notable in its own right, did not have a golden age of culture either. The Gupta Empire, on the other hand, was known for its advancements in art, science, and mathematics, making it the correct answer.

2. The answer is A. Chandragupta Maurya. To find the answer, we need to recall the historical events surrounding Alexander the Great's invasion of India. After Alexander's death, his empire fell apart, leaving weak kingdoms in the region. Chandragupta Maurya, founder of the Mauryan Empire, took advantage of the power vacuum to conquer these weak kingdoms and establish his own empire.

3. The answer is "Bhagavad Gita." To find this answer, we need some knowledge of the Mahabharata, a Hindu epic. The Bhagavad Gita is a section of the Mahabharata where Lord Krishna imparts spiritual wisdom and guidance to the protagonist Arjuna, emphasizing the importance of performing one's duty, also known as dharma.

4. Indian women had the right to inheritance, education, divorce, and to select a husband. To answer this question, we need to consider the historical and cultural context of ancient India. Women in ancient India had relatively more rights compared to many other ancient societies. They had the right to inherit property and receive education, although the extent may have varied depending on social status and region. Divorce was also possible, although it may have been subject to certain conditions. Women also had a say in selecting their husbands, although arranged marriages were also common.

5. The correct answer is C. arranged. To answer this question, we need to consider the cultural practices and traditions of modern Indian society. Even today, arranged marriages are a common practice in India, where families and matchmakers play a significant role in finding suitable partners for individuals based on various criteria such as caste, religion, and social status.

6. The answer is C. Himalaya. To answer this question, we need to understand the geography and location of the Gupta Empire. The Gupta Empire was located in northern India and bordered by the Himalayan mountain range to the north.

7. The Hindu Kush mountains are near the Indus River. To answer this question, we need to have some knowledge of the geography of the region. The Hindu Kush mountains are located primarily in present-day Afghanistan and Pakistan, running parallel to the Indus River.

8. The answer is C. Gupta. To determine this, we need to have a basic understanding of the historical timeline of India. The Mauryan dynasty ruled from around 322 BCE to 185 BCE, followed by a period of political fragmentation. The Gupta dynasty emerged around 320 CE and reunified much of northern India, ushering in a period of stability, economic prosperity, and cultural advancement.

9. The answer is B. well-organized. To answer this question, we need to understand the organization and structure of the Mauryan government. The Mauryan dynasty had a centralized government that was controlled by the capital city, Pataliputra. It was known for its efficient administration, including a sophisticated bureaucracy and well-organized governance.

10. The answer is 1. Dry winds reduce the amount of rainfall, causing crops not to grow. To answer this question, we need to understand the impact of monsoons on agriculture in India. Prolonged winter monsoons typically bring dry winds, which result in reduced rainfall. This lack of moisture negatively affects crop growth and can lead to lower agricultural yields.