The maximum possible score in an exam was 80 and all questions carried equal weightage. For each correct answer 4 marks were awarded whereas for each wrong answer 1 mark was deducted. For no answer, the marks remained unchanged. A student got 57 marks in which he failed to attempt only 3 questions. Answer the number of questions he got correct as a percentage of total number of questions.

r + w =77 because he didn't answer 3

4r -1w = 57

5r =132 can you finish from here?

I misstype 3 instead of 2 question which he failed to attempt.


To find the number of questions the student got correct as a percentage of the total number of questions, we need to calculate the number of correct answers and the total number of questions.

Since the maximum possible score was 80 and each correct answer is worth 4 marks, the student would have scored (57 - 3) * 4 = 216 marks for the questions attempted.

Now let's calculate the number of questions the student attempted. Since each correct answer gives 4 marks, we can find the number of correct answers by dividing the marks obtained by 4: 216 / 4 = 54.

To find the total number of questions, we need to consider both the questions attempted and the questions not attempted. Since the student failed to attempt 3 questions, the total number of questions would be 54 + 3 = 57.

Therefore, the number of questions the student got correct as a percentage of the total number of questions is (54 / 57) * 100% = 94.74%.