How much force does it take to push an 80 lb. steel cart on wheels?

None if there is no friction.

You could ask how much force to accelerate the cart.
But if you do that, do in in kilograms and Newtons and meters and seconds. Pounds are too confusing.

To determine the force required to push an 80 lb. steel cart on wheels, we need to factor in a few variables, such as the coefficient of friction and the type of surface the cart is on. Here's a step-by-step guide to calculating the force:

1. Determine the coefficient of friction: The coefficient of friction is a measure of the "stickiness" between two surfaces. For example, steel wheels on a concrete surface will have a different coefficient of friction than on a grassy field. The specific coefficient of friction can vary, so consult relevant tables or experimentally measure it.

2. Identify the force of gravity: The force of gravity acting on the cart can be calculated using the equation F = m * g, where F is the force of gravity, m is the mass of the cart (converted from 80 lb to kg), and g is the acceleration due to gravity, approximately 9.8 m/s².

3. Calculate the frictional force: Once you have the coefficient of friction, multiply it by the force of gravity calculated in the previous step. This will give you the frictional force acting against the motion of the cart.

4. Determine the force needed to overcome friction: The force required to push the cart is equal and opposite to the frictional force acting against it. So the force required will be equal to the frictional force calculated in the previous step.

It's important to note that this calculation assumes a steady, uniform motion and neglects factors like air resistance, rolling resistance, and any external forces acting on the cart.

Please provide the surface type (e.g. concrete, grass) and the coefficient of friction if known, so we can give you a more accurate answer.