All the members of a construction crew work at the same pace. Four of them working together are able to pour concrete foundations in 32 hours. How many hours would this job take if the number of workers:

increased 2 times

increases by 2, it should be 1/2 the time.

t = 4/8 * 32h =

To find out how many hours the job would take if the number of workers increased by 2 times, we need to use the concept of inverse variation.

Inverse variation states that if two variables are related in such a way that when one increases, the other decreases in proportion, they are said to be inversely proportional. In this case, the number of workers and the time it takes to complete the job are inversely proportional.

Let "h" represent the number of hours it would take if the number of workers increased by 2 times. Let "w" represent the number of workers.

According to the problem, when 4 workers are working together, the job takes 32 hours. We can write this as:

4 workers * 32 hours = w workers * h hours

Now, if the number of workers increased by 2 times, we would have 4 * 2 = 8 workers. So, the equation becomes:

8 workers * h hours = 4 workers * 32 hours

To find h, we can solve for h:
h = (4 workers * 32 hours) / 8 workers

Simplifying the equation gives us:
h = 4 * 4
h = 16

Therefore, if the number of workers increased by 2 times, it would take 16 hours to complete the job.