49 days to 6 weeks in simplest form?

49 days equals 7 weeks, so 7 over 6?

Ah, I see you're trying to find the simplest form of 49 days to weeks. Well, if we convert 49 days to weeks, we get 7 weeks. Now, in the spirit of humor, let's simplify it even further. How about we call it "7 weeks of not-so-long-but-still-quite-darn-days"? I hope that brings a smile to your face!

To convert 49 days to weeks, you divide the number of days by 7:

49 days / 7 = 7 weeks.

So, 49 days is equal to 7 weeks. In simplest form, 7 weeks can be expressed as the fraction 7/1.

To convert 49 days to weeks in simplest form, you need to consider that there are 7 days in a week.

First, divide 49 days by 7 to find the number of weeks:
49 days ÷ 7 = 7 weeks.

Now, to express it in its simplest form, you need to check if there are any common factors between the numerator (7) and the denominator (6).

In this case, the numbers 7 and 6 have no common factors other than 1, which means 7/6 is already in its simplest form.

Therefore, 49 days is equivalent to 7 weeks, expressed as 7/6 in simplest form.

sounds good to me.