7. appropriations and higher education are examples of what type of committee

A. standing **
B. ad hoc
C. conference
D. interim study

10. if a bill goes to committee hoq can the committee kill the bill without asking for the General Assembly to vote on it

A. Vote the bill out of committee with no recommendation
B. Recommend the house do not pass the bill
C. recommend the house do pass the bill with changes **
D. Hold the bill in committee

c a c b a d a c

To determine the answer to question 7, we need to understand the different types of committees typically found in legislative bodies.

A. Standing committees: These are permanent committees that exist throughout the legislative term and have specific areas of jurisdiction, such as appropriations, education, finance, etc. They play a crucial role in the legislative process.

B. Ad hoc committees: These are temporary committees established for a specific purpose or issue and are dissolved once their task is completed.

C. Conference committees: These committees are formed when the House of Representatives and the Senate pass different versions of the same bill. Members from both chambers come together to reconcile the differences and produce a final version of the bill.

D. Interim study committees: These committees are created during the legislative interim to examine specific issues or topics of concern and make recommendations for future legislative action.

Given that appropriations and higher education are examples of specific areas of jurisdiction, they most likely fall under standing committees (option A).

For question 10, we're looking for a way in which a committee can effectively "kill" a bill without requiring a vote in the General Assembly. Let's examine the options:

A. Vote the bill out of committee with no recommendation: This means the bill would move out of committee without any endorsement or opposition but will still require a vote in the General Assembly.

B. Recommend the house do not pass the bill: This option directly recommends that the General Assembly should reject the bill, effectively killing it without a vote.

C. Recommend the house do pass the bill with changes: This option suggests that the bill should be passed but with modifications or amendments. It does not "kill" the bill outright.

D. Hold the bill in committee: This option essentially keeps the bill in committee without any further action, effectively stalling it. However, it does not necessarily kill the bill.

Based on the options provided, the correct answer to question 10 would be B. Recommend the house do not pass the bill. By making this recommendation, the committee is essentially ending the bill's progress without requiring it to go through a vote in the General Assembly.

7. yes

10. What is committee hoq?