Are these correct? I need to bring my grades up for math. Please help!

1. Identify the decimal and simplified fractional form of 60%
A)0.6 and 4/5
B)0.6 and 3/5 ***
C)0.06 and 3/5
D)0.06 and 6/10

2. A baseball team wins 45% of its games. What fraction of games does it win?
3.According to a survey taken at an amusement park about visitors' favorite ides, 22 of the 50 visitors surveyed liked the bumper cars the best. What percent of people chose the bumper cars as there favorite ride?
4.Select the answer that correctly orders the values from least to greatest.
17/20, 0.92, 80%, 6/8
A)80%, 17/20, 6/8, 0.92
B)6/8,17/20, 80%,0.92
C)0.92,17/20, 80%,6/8
D)6/8,80%, 17/20, 0.92
I dont have an answer for this one. I'm confused

please hurry

The first three are right.

17/20 = 0.85
80% = 0.80
6/8 = 3/4 = 0.75

Ms.Sue, can you help me with the fourth one? Im confused. I dont understand how to turn a fraction to a percentage. Please help me :0


To convert a fraction into a percentage:

Divide the top of the fraction by the bottom,
Then multiply the result by 100.



Thx I got a 100%

your welcome @lily12


Trust me I got 100% on this Quiz

1. To identify the decimal and simplified fractional form of 60%, you can start by converting the percentage to a decimal. To do this, divide the percentage by 100. So, 60% divided by 100 equals 0.6. Therefore, the decimal form of 60% is 0.6.

Now, to convert the decimal to a simplified fractional form, you can express it as a fraction with the decimal as the numerator and 1 as the denominator. Since 0.6 can be written as 6/10, you can simplify the fraction to its lowest terms by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common factor, which is 2. As a result, 6/10 simplifies to 3/5.

In the given answer choices, the correct option would be B) 0.6 and 3/5.

2. To find out what fraction of games the baseball team wins if they win 45% of their games, you can first convert the percentage to a decimal by dividing it by 100. Therefore, 45% divided by 100 equals 0.45.

Next, to convert the decimal to a fraction, you can write it as the fractional form with the decimal as the numerator and 1 as the denominator. However, this fraction is not simplified yet. To simplify it further, you can divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common factor, which is 5. As a result, 45/100 simplifies to 9/20.

So, in the given answer choices, the correct option would be C) 9/20.

3. To determine what percent of people chose bumper cars as their favorite ride based on the given survey results, you can set up a proportion. The number of people who liked bumper cars (22) can be compared to the total number of visitors surveyed (50).

To find the percentage, you can multiply the proportion by 100. So, (22/50) * 100 equals 44%. This means that 44% of people chose the bumper cars as their favorite ride.

Therefore, in the given answer choices, the correct option would be A) 44%.

4. To order the values from least to greatest, you can compare them in different forms.

Option A) 80%, 17/20, 6/8, 0.92:
Convert 80% to a decimal. 80% divided by 100 equals 0.8. Comparing the values, 0.8 > 17/20 since 20/20 (which is equivalent to 1) is greater than 17/20. Also, 0.8 > 6/8 since 8/8 (which is equivalent to 1) is greater than 6/8. Finally, 0.8 > 0.92 since 0.92 is less than 1. Therefore, this order is incorrect.

Option B) 6/8, 17/20, 80%, 0.92:
Convert 80% to a decimal. 80% divided by 100 equals 0.8. Comparing the values, now 6/8 < 17/20 since 6/8 can be simplified to 3/4 and 3/4 is less than 17/20. Also, 0.8 > 17/20 as explained in Option A. Additionally, 0.8 > 0.92 since 0.92 is less than 1. Thus, this is not the correct order.

Option C) 0.92, 17/20, 80%, 6/8:
Convert 80% to a decimal. 80% divided by 100 equals 0.8. Comparing the values, 0.92 is greater than 17/20 since 0.92 is more than 0.85 (which is equivalent to 17/20). Also, 0.92 > 0.8 since 0.92 is greater than 0.8. Finally, 0.8 > 6/8, as explained in Options A and B. Therefore, this is the correct order.

Option D) 6/8, 80%, 17/20, 0.92:
Convert 80% to a decimal. 80% divided by 100 equals 0.8. However, this option is not in the correct order since it contradicts Option C.

Therefore, the correct answer is Option C) 0.92, 17/20, 80%, 6/8.