plz help find the fourth root of -16,giving the result in form of a+jb

and also 5th root of -1,giving the result in polar form plz help thanks

?-16 = ?(16 cis ?) = ?16 cis ?/4 = 2(1/?2 + 1/?2 i) = ?2 + ?2 i

That is the 1st root. There is an equivalent root in each quadrant. See

Work the 5th root the same way, using de Moivre's theorem.

sir how did u get the argument? And the modulus?


here is another way, to answer your argument and modulus question.

fifth root of that is 1@36+n(72)

so the roots are
and you can do the last two. Now that angle is on the complex plane, If you want it in real,imag format, it is converted by
if you convert all those, you will see a pattern of symmetry, clockwise and counterclockwise.

To find the fourth root of -16 and express it in the form a+jb (rectangular form), we can use the following steps:

Step 1: Express -16 in rectangular form:
-16 = -16 + 0i

Step 2: Find the magnitude of -16:
|m| = √((-16)^2 + 0^2) = √(256) = 16

Step 3: Find the principal argument (θ) of -16:
θ = atan(0/(-16)) = 0 degrees

Step 4: Calculate the fourth root of -16 in the polar form:
-16^(1/4) = (16∠(0/4 + (360/4)*k))^(1/4), where k is an integer

Step 5: Simplify the angles:
16∠(0 + (90*k))^(1/4) = 2∠(0 + (90*k/4)) = 2∠(22.5*k), where k is an integer

Step 6: Calculate the fourth root of -16 in the rectangular form:
a + jb = 2(cos(22.5*k) + j*sin(22.5*k)), where k is an integer

Now, let's find the 5th root of -1 and express it in polar form:

Step 1: Express -1 in rectangular form:
-1 = -1 + 0i

Step 2: Find the magnitude of -1:
|m| = √((-1)^2 + 0^2) = √(1) = 1

Step 3: Find the principal argument (θ) of -1:
θ = atan(0/(-1)) = 0 degrees

Step 4: Calculate the fifth root of -1 in the polar form:
(-1)^(1/5) = (1∠(0/5 + (360/5)*k))^(1/5), where k is an integer

Step 5: Simplify the angles:
1∠(0 + (72*k))^(1/5) = 1∠(0 + (72*k/5)) = 1∠(14.4*k), where k is an integer

Step 6: Express the result in polar form:
The fifth root of -1 in polar form is 1∠14.4 degrees.