What is a example of a onomatopoeia for a butterfly?

flap! Flap!

Pss... psss.....

U know just imagine how a butter makes sound

But anyways swish and flutter also xbox name PS Tijjy

To find an example of an onomatopoeia for a butterfly, you can start by considering the sound that a butterfly might make. Since butterflies are known for their delicate fluttering wings, a possible onomatopoeia could be "flap-flap" or "flit-flit." These words try to mimic the sound of a butterfly's wings in motion.

Onomatopoeias are words that imitate or resemble sounds associated with actions, objects, or animals. They help create vivid imagery and can enhance descriptions in literature or poetry. In this case, you can use your imagination to think about the sound that a butterfly might make when it is in flight.

Butterfly. Not butter.

Thanks anyway though!

wwhat i m ean is butterfly. typo . peace.