The fruit of an oak tree is called an acorn. You observe a squirrel gathering and burying acorns. Several months later, you observe an oak seedling growing in the area where the squirrel buried an acorn. What conclusion can you draw about oak tree reproduction from your observations?

1.Squirrels help disperse oak tree seeds by eating their fruit.

2.(Squirrels help oak trees reproduce by burying acorns.)

3.Squirrels bury acorns so they have a source of food in the future.

4.Squirrels prefer acorns to other types of nuts.

You're right.

Based on your observations, the conclusion you can draw about oak tree reproduction is as follows:

2. Squirrels help oak trees reproduce by burying acorns.

Explanation: The fact that you observed a squirrel gathering and burying acorns, and then later an oak seedling growing in the same area, suggests that squirrels play a role in dispersing oak tree seeds. By burying the acorns, the squirrels are effectively planting them in different locations, which aids in the reproduction and spreading of oak trees. Therefore, the answer is option 2.

The conclusion that can be drawn from the observations is: 2. Squirrels help oak trees reproduce by burying acorns.