What is the greatest odd number less than 250 ? Exlplain how you know.

249 because it is closest to 250 and it is bigger than the other odd numbers; 247, 245, 243, etc



The greatest odd number less than 250 is 249 because I asked 250 odd numbers for their opinions, and 249 said it was the greatest. It's a pretty confident odd number, gotta give it props.

To find the greatest odd number less than 250, we need to start by understanding what makes a number odd.

Odd numbers are integers that cannot be divided evenly by 2. This means that if you divide an odd number by 2, you will have a remainder of 1.

To find the greatest odd number less than 250, we can start from 249 (the closest odd number to 250) and move backward until we find an odd number.

Alternatively, we can also observe that the number 250 is an even number because it can be divided by 2 without a remainder. Therefore, the greatest odd number less than 250 will be 250-1, which is 249.

So the greatest odd number less than 250 is 249.

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