jeff has 12 more toy cars than toy trucks. In all, he has 19 toy vehicles. How many toy trucks does Jeff have?

To solve this problem, let's create an equation to represent the given information.

Let's assume the number of toy trucks Jeff has is T.
According to the problem, Jeff has 12 more toy cars than toy trucks. So, the number of toy cars would be T + 12.

In total, Jeff has 19 toy vehicles. Therefore, the equation would be:
T + (T + 12) = 19

Now, let's solve the equation to find the value of T (number of toy trucks):

T + T + 12 = 19
2T + 12 = 19
2T = 19 - 12
2T = 7

Divide both sides of the equation by 2 to isolate T, the number of toy trucks:
T = 7 / 2
T = 3.5

Since the number of toy trucks must be a whole number, Jeff cannot have 3.5 toy trucks. Therefore, Jeff must have 3 toy trucks.

So the answer is: Jeff has 3 toy trucks.