A train travelling at anaverage speed of 100km/h covers a certain distance in 3 h 36 minutes .at what avarage speed must the train travel to cover the same distance in 2h 30 minutes

To find the average speed at which the train must travel to cover the same distance in 2 hours and 30 minutes (2.5 hours), we can use the formula:

Speed = Distance / Time

Let's first calculate the distance covered by the train in 3 hours and 36 minutes (3.6 hours):

Distance = Speed × Time
Distance = 100 km/h × 3.6 hours
Distance = 360 km

Now, we can calculate the speed required to cover the same distance in 2 hours and 30 minutes (2.5 hours):

Speed = Distance / Time
Speed = 360 km / 2.5 hours
Speed = 144 km/h

Hence, the train must travel at an average speed of 144 km/h to cover the same distance in 2 hours and 30 minutes.

To find the average speed at which the train must travel to cover the same distance in a different time, we can use the formula:

Average Speed = Distance / Time

1. Find the distance covered by the train in the first scenario:
Distance = Speed × Time
Distance = 100 km/h × (3 hours + 36 minutes)
Note: Convert 36 minutes to hours by dividing it by 60.
Distance = 100 km/h × (3.6 hours)
Distance = 360 km

2. Calculate the average speed needed to cover the same distance in 2 hours and 30 minutes:
Time = 2 hours + 30 minutes
Note: Convert 30 minutes to hours by dividing it by 60.
Time = 2.5 hours

Using the formula, we have:
Average Speed = Distance / Time
Average Speed = 360 km / 2.5 hours
Average Speed = 144 km/h

Therefore, the train must travel at an average speed of 144 km/h to cover the same distance in 2 hours and 30 minutes.