A parking garage charges $2.00 to enter the garage and $1.50 an hour to park. Use the coordinate plane to graph this situation.

To graph this situation, we can use the coordinate plane. The x-axis represents the number of hours parked, and the y-axis represents the total cost.

Let's break down the information given in the question:

- The parking garage charges $2.00 to enter the garage. In terms of the graph, this means that the initial cost (when x = 0) is $2.00. So we plot the point (0, 2) on the graph.

- The garage charges $1.50 an hour to park. This implies that each hour parked adds $1.50 to the total cost. So for each additional hour, the cost increases by $1.50. We can represent this as a slope on the graph.

- To determine the slope, we can use the formula: slope = change in y / change in x. In this case, the change in y (total cost) is $1.50, and the change in x (hours parked) is 1.

Now we can plot additional points on the graph to represent the total cost based on the hours parked:

- When x = 0 (the initial cost), y = $2.00. So we have the point (0, 2).

- When x = 1 (parked for 1 hour), we add $1.50 to the initial cost, which gives us a total cost of $3.50. So we have the point (1, 3.50).

- When x = 2 (parked for 2 hours), we add another $1.50 to the previous total cost ($3.50), giving us a new total cost of $5.00. So we have the point (2, 5.00).

- We can continue this pattern to plot additional points.

After plotting these points, we can connect them with a straight line to represent the relationship between hours parked and total cost. This line represents the equation y = mx + b, where m is the slope (the cost per hour) and b is the initial cost.

So the graph will have a line starting from the point (0, 2) and continuing in a straight line with a slope of $1.50 (representing the cost per hour).