Write a balanced ionic equation for the redox reaction in dilute acidic solution between trioxodate(v)anion (IO3) AND IODIDE ANION (I)

In order to write a balanced ionic equation for a redox reaction, we need to determine the oxidation states of the elements involved and balance the number of atoms on each side of the equation.

Let's start by determining the oxidation states:

The trioxodat(V) anion (IO3-) has an oxidation state of +5 for iodine and -2 for each oxygen atom, giving a total charge of -1 for the anion.

The iodide anion (I-) has an oxidation state of -1 for iodine.

Now, let's write the balanced ionic equation for the redox reaction in dilute acidic solution between the trioxodate(V) anion and iodide anion:

IO3- + 5I- + 6H+ → 3I2 + 3H2O

On the reactant side, we have one trioxodat(V) anion, five iodide anions, and six hydrogen ions. On the product side, we have three iodine molecules and three water molecules.

To balance the equation, we need to make sure that the number of atoms and charges are equal on both sides. In this case, the iodide ions are oxidized to form iodine molecules, and the trioxodat(V) anion acts as an oxidizing agent, which means it gets reduced.

It's also important to note that we need to balance the equation in dilute acidic solution, indicated by the presence of hydrogen ions (H+) in the equation. These hydrogen ions help to balance the charges and ensure the reaction occurs in an acidic medium.

This is the balanced ionic equation for the redox reaction between trioxodat(V) anion (IO3-) and iodide anion (I-) in dilute acidic solution.