Wealth disparity in Brazil results mostly from?

A)unequal land distribution.****

B)insufficient arable land.

C)lack of oil and mineral resources.

D)emphasis on cash crop exports.

I think that is correct.

Okay thank you!

So.... Is it right?

To determine the cause of wealth disparity in Brazil, we will analyze the options presented:

A) Unequal land distribution: This option highlights a significant factor contributing to wealth disparity in Brazil. Historically, Brazil has experienced unequal land distribution, where large portions of land are concentrated in the hands of a few wealthy individuals or corporations. This concentration of land ownership results in limited access to land for the majority of the population, making it challenging for them to generate wealth and income.

B) Insufficient arable land: While Brazil does have vast natural resources and arable land, it may not be the primary cause of wealth disparity. Brazil has substantial agricultural potential and is a major exporter of agricultural products. However, the distribution of land and wealth within the agricultural sector is uneven, contributing to wealth inequality.

C) Lack of oil and mineral resources: Although Brazil does possess significant oil and mineral resources, the absence of these resources is not a determining factor in wealth disparity within the country. Wealth inequality tends to stem from other factors, such as land ownership distribution and economic policies.

D) Emphasis on cash crop exports: The exportation of cash crops, such as soybeans, coffee, and sugarcane, does play a role in wealth disparity in Brazil. However, it is not the sole cause. The concentration of land ownership, lack of access to land for farming, and limited opportunities for income generation contribute to the unequal distribution of wealth.

Therefore, based on the options provided, the option that best explains wealth disparity in Brazil is A) unequal land distribution.