the price of technology stock has risen to 9.68. Yesterday's price was 9.57. Find the percentage increase. Round to the nearest tenth.

9.68-9.57 0.11

I can't figure out how to get the percentage

Divide the difference by the starting price.

0.11 / 9.57 = 0.011

Multiply the decimal answer by 100.

0.011 * 100 = 1.1%

To find the percentage increase, you need to divide the difference between the new price and the old price by the old price, and then multiply by 100.

In this case, the difference between the new price (9.68) and the old price (9.57) is 0.11.

To find the percentage increase:
(0.11 / 9.57) * 100 = 1.15%

Therefore, the percentage increase is approximately 1.2% when rounded to the nearest tenth.

To find the percentage increase, you need to divide the difference between the new price and the old price by the old price, and then multiply by 100.

In this case, the difference is 0.11 (9.68 - 9.57), and the old price is 9.57.

So, the percentage increase can be calculated as:

(0.11 / 9.57) * 100 = 1.15

Rounding to the nearest tenth, the percentage increase is 1.2%.

Therefore, the price of the technology stock has increased by approximately 1.2%.