Supposed that an individual has a body fat percentage of 16.4% and weighs 188. How many pounds of his weight is made up of fat? Round to nearest tenth.



16.4% = 0.164

You need to multiply, not divide.

0.164*188 = 30.8

To determine how many pounds of weight is made up of fat, you would calculate the product of the individual's weight (188 pounds) and the body fat percentage (16.4%).

First, convert the body fat percentage to a decimal by dividing it by 100: 16.4% ÷ 100 = 0.164.

Next, multiply the individual's weight by the body fat percentage: 188 pounds × 0.164 = 30.832 pounds.

Rounding to the nearest tenth, the individual's weight made up of fat is approximately 30.8 pounds.