Matty jogs 1km in 5 minutes. Identify the correct conversion factor setup required to compute Matty's speed in m/s.

1 km = 1000 m

5 minutes = 300 s

1000/300 = 10/3 = 3.33


To convert Matty's speed from kilometers per minute to meters per second, we can use the following conversion factors:

1 kilometer = 1000 meters
1 minute = 60 seconds

Therefore, the correct conversion factor setup is:

(1 kilometer / 5 minutes) * (1000 meters / 1 kilometer) * (1 minute / 60 seconds)

To compute Matty's speed in m/s, we need to convert the distance jogged from kilometers to meters and the time taken from minutes to seconds.

The conversion factor for km to m can be set up as follows:

1 km = 1000 m

The conversion factor for min to sec can be set up as follows:

1 min = 60 sec

To determine Matty's speed in m/s, we can multiply the distance jogged in kilometers (1 km) by the conversion factor for km to m (1000 m/1 km), and then divide it by the time taken in minutes (5 min) multiplied by the conversion factor for min to sec (60 sec/1 min):

Speed in m/s = (1 km * 1000 m/1 km) / (5 min * 60 sec/1 min)

Simplifying the expression gives us:

Speed in m/s = 1000 m / (5 * 60 sec)

Therefore, the correct conversion factor setup required to compute Matty's speed in m/s is 1000 m/300 sec.

1 km/5 minutes

= 1000 m / 300 seconds
= 10/3 m/s