Various types of pseudo-psychologies?

Astrology, palmistry, graphology and phrenology

do these work?


types of pseudo psychology

Pseudo-psychology refers to ideologies or practices that claim to be based on psychological principles, but lack scientific evidence and credibility. These types of beliefs often rely on subjective experiences, testimonials, or outdated theories rather than objective research.

Here are some examples of common types of pseudo-psychologies:

1. Astrology: Astrology claims that personality traits and life events are determined by the positions of celestial bodies at the time of a person's birth.

2. Graphology: Graphology claims to assess personality traits based on handwriting analysis. However, scientific research has consistently shown that there is no reliable correlation between handwriting and personality.

3. Phrenology: Phrenology was popular in the 19th century and claimed that a person's mental and emotional traits could be determined by the shape and size of their skull.

4. Numerology: Numerology suggests that there is a mystical relationship between numbers and events or characteristics of individuals.

5. Palmistry: Palmistry asserts that the lines and features of the hand can predict a person's future and personality traits.

6. Psychics/Mediums: Psychic mediums claim to communicate with spirits and foretell the future, often using techniques such as cold reading or subjective interpretations.

It is important to note that these pseudo-psychologies lack scientific consensus and do not meet the rigorous standards of evidence-based psychological research.