When writing an essay, should I only cite paraphrased or quoted information in my bibliography?

If I use something for background info., do I have to cite it.


Quoted information MUST be cited.

Paraphrased statements should also be cited. "John Doe (1999) contends that George Washington was a traitor." Whether it's "background" or any other purpose. Your own thesis and summary, your own interpretations, are not cited, since there is no citation.

When writing an essay, it's important to properly cite the sources you used to support your ideas and provide evidence for your arguments. In general, you should cite both paraphrased and quoted information in your bibliography or works cited page.

Paraphrasing involves rephrasing someone else's ideas or information in your own words, while quoting involves directly using someone else's words. Both techniques require proper citation to give credit to the original author and avoid plagiarism.

However, when it comes to background information, the need to cite depends on the circumstances. If the background information is considered common knowledge or widely-known facts that are not specific to any particular source, then citation may not be necessary. Examples of common knowledge include well-known historical events, scientific facts, or general knowledge that can be found in multiple sources.

On the other hand, if the background information you are using is more specific or comes from a particular source, it's best to cite it to maintain academic integrity and give credit to the original author or source. This includes unique statistics, specific dates, or information that is not widely known or can be attributed to a specific source. Remember, it's always better to err on the side of caution and include a citation if you are unsure whether it is necessary.

In conclusion, while direct quotes and paraphrases should always be cited in your bibliography, the need to cite background information depends on its specificity and whether it can be considered common knowledge. When in doubt, it's always safer to provide a citation to avoid any potential issues with plagiarism.