A Boy Of Height 1.5m Is Standing By 4.2m Away From The Foot Of A Post Of Height 6m.Find The Length Of His Shadow

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To find the length of the boy's shadow, we can use the principles of similar triangles and the concept of proportionality.

First, let's define the variables:
Let B be the height of the boy (1.5m),
P be the height of the post (6m),
and S be the length of the boy's shadow.

Now, observe that the boy, the top of the post, and the end of the shadow form similar triangles. The height of the boy (B) and the height of the post (P) are proportional to the lengths of their respective shadows (S) and the distance from the boy to the post (D).

Therefore, we have the following proportion:
(B / P) = (S / D)

Now, we can substitute the given values into the proportion and solve for S, which represents the length of the boy's shadow:
(1.5 / 6) = (S / 4.2)

To isolate S, we can cross multiply:
6S = 1.5 * 4.2

6S = 6.3

Finally, divide both sides of the equation by 6 to solve for S:
S = 6.3 / 6

Therefore, the length of the boy's shadow is approximately 1.05 meters.