Ravi went to the market and bought 43 apples and paid Rs.559 to the vendor.Write a suitable equation in one variable to represent the data.

43x = 559




Let's assume the cost of one apple is 'x' rupees.

The total cost of 43 apples is 43*x rupees.

According to the given information, Ravi paid Rs. 559 to the vendor.

So, the equation representing the data can be written as:

43*x = 559

To represent the given data with a suitable equation in one variable, let's consider the cost of each apple as the variable.

Let "x" be the cost of each apple in Rs.

According to the given information, Ravi bought 43 apples and paid Rs. 559 to the vendor.

Hence, the equation representing the given data is:

43x = 559

In this equation, "43" represents the number of apples Ravi bought, and "x" represents the cost of each apple in Rs. We multiply the number of apples by the cost of each apple to get the total cost, which should be equal to Rs. 559.