Athenian laws are

1.proposed by the council

2. (approved by half the assembly)


I don't know this one.

Go with your text.


To verify the accuracy of the statements about Athenian laws, we can consult reliable sources of information such as historical texts or academic research. It's important to rely on factual sources to ensure accuracy when discussing historical topics.

Here is how you can fact-check the given statements:

1. Proposed by the council: Start by researching the Athenian government structure, particularly its legislative process. Look for sources that describe how laws were proposed in ancient Athens. Important primary sources for Athenian laws include the surviving works of ancient Greek historians such as Aristotle and Thucydides, as well as legal texts such as the Constitution of Athens by Aristotle or the Greek Orators by Michael Gagarin. These sources should provide insights into how laws were proposed and enacted in ancient Athens.

2. Approved by half the assembly: Similarly, you can consult reliable sources to understand how laws were approved in ancient Athens. Remember to look for reputable historian scholars or experts in ancient Greek history who have studied Athenian governance. Academic articles or books can offer detailed explanations of the legislative process in ancient Athens, including how laws were voted upon and what majority was required for approval.

By conducting thorough research and examining credible sources, you will be able to ascertain whether the given statements about Athenian laws are accurate. Remember to cross-reference information from multiple sources to ensure reliability and accuracy.