Adam used the three fractions to make a circle graph and colored each a different color. What fraction of the graph is not colored?

To determine the fraction of the graph that is not colored, we need to find the sum of the fractions used to color the graph and subtract it from 1.

Let's assume the three fractions used by Adam are represented as a/b, c/d, and e/f, where a/b, c/d, and e/f are the simplified form of the fractions used to color the graph.

To find the sum of the fractions used, we need to find a common denominator for all three fractions. Once we have a common denominator, we can add the numerators and keep the denominator the same.

After finding the sum, let's call it x/y, where x/y is the simplified form of the sum of the fractions used.

Finally, to find the fraction of the graph that is not colored, we subtract the sum x/y from 1, which gives us (1 - x/y). This represents the fraction that is not colored.

Please provide the fractions a/b, c/d, and e/f used to color the graph so that we can evaluate the actual fraction that is not colored.

Are these the fractions?


What is your answer?

yes they are fractions Ms.Sue

What are their equivalent fractions with the same denominator?