28. Referrals for mental health services should be made when

A. the problems have persisted for several weeks to months.
B. the situation is steadily improving.
C. support and interventions are showing definite signs of helping.
D. there's insufficient time to provide support and interventions .

29. Health and safety education should be integrated _______ into the program of activities.
A. daily
B. yearly
C. weekly
D. monthly

28 answer A
29 answer D

You're probably right about 28. I disagree with 29. What does your text say?

To arrive at the answer to question 28, we need to understand the context of referrals for mental health services. Referrals are made when someone requires specialized help beyond what can be provided by the support and interventions currently in place. The question asks when referrals should be made, and the best answer is option A: when the problems have persisted for several weeks to months. This indicates that the individual has been facing mental health challenges for an extended period, suggesting that the current support and interventions have not been sufficient in addressing their needs.

Now, for question 29, we need to determine when health and safety education should be integrated into the program of activities. The integration of health and safety education is crucial for promoting well-being and preventing accidents or illnesses. The question asks for the frequency of integration, and the most appropriate answer is option D: monthly. Integrating health and safety education into the program of activities on a monthly basis ensures that participants receive regular reminders and updates on topics related to their well-being.