

assuming you mean:

225 ÷ 15[60 ÷ 3|10+18 ÷ (9-7)-14|+11]
and the | .. | means absolute value
= 225 ÷ 15[60 ÷ 3|10+18 ÷ (2)-14|+11]
= 225 ÷ 15[60 ÷ 3|10+9-14|+11]
= 225 ÷ 15[60 ÷ 3|5|+11]
= 15[20|5|+11]
= 15 [100 + 11]
= 15[111]
= 1665

confirmed by Wolfram

Thank u very much i was little confused but my answer was correct :)

To simplify the given expression, we will follow the order of operations, which is commonly known as PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division from left to right, Addition and Subtraction from left to right).

Let's break down the expression step by step:

225 - :15 [60 - :3 | 10 + 18 - :(9 - 7) - 14 | + 11]

First, we should simplify the expression inside each set of parentheses.

Step 1: Simplify (9 - 7):
(9 - 7) = 2

Now, the expression becomes:
225 - :15 [60 - :3 | 10 + 18 - :2 - 14 | + 11]

Step 2: Simplify 60 - :3
(60 - :3) = 60 - (1/3) = 60 - 1/3 = 179/3

Now, the expression becomes:
225 - :15 [179/3 | 10 + 18 - :2 - 14 | + 11]

Step 3: Simplify 10 + 18
(10 + 18) = 28

Now, the expression becomes:
225 - :15 [179/3 | 28 - :2 - 14 | + 11]

Step 4: Simplify 28 - :2
(28 - :2) = 28 - (-2) = 28 + 2 = 30

Now, the expression becomes:
225 - :15 [179/3 | 30 - 14 | + 11]

Step 5: Simplify 30 - 14
(30 - 14) = 16

Now, the expression becomes:
225 - :15 [179/3 | 16 | + 11]

Step 6: Simplify 179/3
The fraction 179/3 cannot be simplified further.

Now, the expression becomes:
225 - :15 [179/3 | 16 | + 11]

Step 7: Simplify the absolute value expression |179/3|
The absolute value of 179/3 is simply 179/3, as it is already positive.

Now, the expression becomes:
225 - :15 [179/3 | 16 | + 11]

Step 8: Simplify the absolute value expression |16|
The absolute value of 16 is simply 16, as it is already positive.

Now, the expression becomes:
225 - :15 [179/3 | 16 | + 11]

Step 9: Simplify the absolute value expression |11|
The absolute value of 11 is simply 11, as it is already positive.

Now, the expression becomes:
225 - :15 [179/3 | 16 | + 11]

Step 10: Evaluate the division 225 - :15
(225 - :15) = 225 - (-15) = 225 + 15 = 240

Now, the expression becomes:
240 [179/3 | 16 | + 11]

Finally, we add the remaining expression in brackets and simplify further.

240 [179/3 + 16 + 11]

Step 11: Simplify the addition at first:

179/3 + 16 = (179 + 3 * 16) / 3 = (179 + 48) / 3 = 227 / 3

Now, the expression becomes:
240 [227/3 + 11]

Step 12: Simplify the addition:

227/3 + 11 = (227 + 3 * 11) / 3 = (227 + 33) / 3 = 260 / 3 = 86 2/3

Therefore, the simplified form of the expression 225-:15[60-:3|10+18-:(9-7)-14|+11] is 86 2/3

What is the significance of the colons (:)?