a picture which measures 48cm by 40cm is surrounded by a frame which is 1cm wide.calculate the area of the frame

Note that the frame is 1cm wide (all round) so that means that the distance will increase by 2

therefore ;
areas = l x b
=48+2 * 40+2
= 50*42
= 2100 cm²

To calculate the area of the frame, we need to subtract the area of the picture from the area of the entire frame.

1. Calculate the area of the entire frame:
- Length of the frame (including both sides): 48 cm + 2 cm (2 sides) = 48 cm + 4 cm = 52 cm
- Width of the frame (including both top and bottom): 40 cm + 2 cm (2 sides) = 40 cm + 4 cm = 44 cm
- Area of the entire frame = Length x Width = 52 cm x 44 cm

2. Calculate the area of the picture:
- Length of the picture: 48 cm
- Width of the picture: 40 cm
- Area of the picture = Length x Width = 48 cm x 40 cm

3. Calculate the area of the frame by subtracting the picture area from the entire frame area:
- Area of the frame = Area of the entire frame - Area of the picture

Therefore, the area of the frame is (52 cm x 44 cm) - (48 cm x 40 cm).

To calculate the area of the frame, we need to determine the dimensions of the frame and then calculate its area.

The picture measures 48cm by 40cm.
The frame is 1cm wide.

To find the dimensions of the frame, we need to subtract twice the width of the frame from each side of the picture.

Length of the frame = length of the picture + 2 * width of the frame
Width of the frame = width of the picture + 2 * width of the frame

Length of the frame = 48cm + 2 * 1cm = 48cm + 2cm = 50cm
Width of the frame = 40cm + 2 * 1cm = 40cm + 2cm = 42cm

Now that we have the dimensions of the frame, we can calculate its area.

Area of the frame = Length of the frame * Width of the frame
Area of the frame = 50cm * 42cm = 2100cm²

Therefore, the area of the frame is 2100 square centimeters (cm²).

2 * 48 * 1 + 2 * ( 40 - 2 ) * 1 =

96 + 2 * 38 = 96 + 76 = 172 cm ^ 2


2 * 40 * 1 + 2 * ( 48 - 2 ) * 1 =

80 + 2 * 46 = 80 + 92 = 172 cm ^ 2


New dimensions of a picture : 48 - 2 = 46 cm and 40 - 2 = 38 cm

48 * 40 - 46 * 38 = 1920 - 1748 = 172 cm ^ 2