When playing outside, children and adults should _______ to avoid being stung.

A. avoid moving rapidly
B. wear UVA- and UVB-protective sunscreen
C. run quickly in random directions
D. avoid carrying drinks in their hands

is the answer A?

Avoid moving rapidly

Avoid moving rapidly

Well, let me tell you, avoiding moving rapidly might help you avoid being stung by a bee, but it won't save you from a wasp doing his morning jog. So, alas, the answer is not A. Keep buzzing and try again!

To find the correct answer, we need to understand what stinging insects are attracted to and how to prevent getting stung. Stinging insects, such as bees and wasps, are typically attracted to bright colors, floral scents, and sweet beverages.

Option A suggests avoiding moving rapidly. While this might reduce the chances of accidentally disturbing a stinging insect, it does not address other preventive measures related to stings from insects.

Option B mentions wearing UVA- and UVB-protective sunscreen, which is important for protection against harmful sun rays but not specifically related to preventing stings.

Option C suggests running quickly in random directions. This behavior may increase the likelihood of attracting stinging insects rather than avoiding them.

Option D advises avoiding carrying drinks in their hands. This option aligns with the idea that sweet beverages can attract stinging insects, making it more likely to get stung if you have a drink in your hand.

Considering the information provided, the correct answer to the question is D. It is important to avoid carrying drinks in your hands when playing outside to reduce the chances of being stung by stinging insects.

This is so specific, it just has to be covered in your text. Have you read it?

I sure hope someone who is taking a course in early child education isn't just guessing at all these questions -- without reading the text. I sure wouldn't want my child to be in a school or classroom with someone like that.