what is an equivalent fraction for 7/6 that has a numerator of 84

this was a while ago :)

84/7 = 12

Can you take it from there?


Yes, you're right.

To find an equivalent fraction for 7/6 with a numerator of 84, we need to multiply both the numerator and denominator of 7/6 by the same number. Let's call this number "x".

When we multiply the numerator by x, we get 7 * x. And when we multiply the denominator by x, we get 6 * x. So, our fraction becomes (7 * x) / (6 * x).

We want the numerator to be 84, so we set up the equation: 7 * x = 84.

To solve for x, we divide both sides of the equation by 7: x = 84 / 7.

Now let's find the value of x: x = 12.

So, the equivalent fraction for 7/6 with a numerator of 84 is (7 * 12) / (6 * 12), which simplifies to 84/72.

But we can simplify this fraction further by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor (GCD), which is 12.

So, our final equivalent fraction is 7/6.