Choose the meaning that best matches the word in parentheses .

After disturbing the wasp's nest, the girl began (flailing) her arms in an attempt to swat away the swarming insects.

1.thrashing wildly

2.beating in time

3.moving in a pattern

4.flapping up and down

4 is my answer is it correct?


I believe the answer is (A) Thrashing Wildly.

Flailing is to wave or swing wildly. Given the context, being attacked by wasps, the correct answer is (A) since this choice addresses the action more correctly (thrashing instead of simply flapping) and describes its extent (wildly).


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Its A

To determine if your answer is correct, let's review the meanings of the word in parentheses, "flailing," and evaluate each option:

1. "Thrashing wildly" means to move or wave one's arms or body forcefully and uncontrollably. This matches the action of the girl in the sentence, so it is a possible answer.

2. "Beating in time" refers to rhythmic and coordinated movements, which does not accurately describe the girl's actions in the sentence. This option can be ruled out.

3. "Moving in a pattern" implies a deliberate and structured motion, which does not align with the girl's panicked response. This option can also be ruled out.

4. "Flapping up and down" indicates a repetitive up-and-down movement, which could be a possibility given the context of swatting away insects.

Upon reviewing the options and considering the sentence's context, option 1, "Thrashing wildly," is the best match for the word in parentheses. Therefore, the correct choice would be 1, not 4.

Additionally, "Reed" seems unrelated to the question or answer options provided. If you have any further questions or if there is another topic you would like assistance with, please let me know!