What is 4/7 in words?

four sevenths

To write 4/7 in words, follow these steps:

Step 1: Start by writing the numerator (4).

Step 2: Write the word "four".

Step 3: Write the word "sevenths" as the plural form of "seventh".

Combining these steps, 4/7 can be written as "four sevenths".

To convert the fraction 4/7 into words, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Divide the numerator (4) by the denominator (7).
4 รท 7 = 0.57

Step 2: Read the numerator (4) as a cardinal number (four) and the denominator (7) as an ordinal number (seventh).

Therefore, 4/7 can be written in words as "four sevenths."
