The answer to the homework problem is greater than -5. Which rational number must be the number in the second circle?

You need to include the original problem, so we have some idea about what you are asked.


To find the rational number that must be in the second circle, we need to consider the given information that the answer to the homework problem is greater than -5.

Since we are looking for a rational number, we can eliminate irrational numbers like π or √2 and focus on rational numbers, which can be expressed as fractions.

Let's consider rational numbers less than -5. Since the answer to the homework problem needs to be greater than -5, any rational number less than -5 can be excluded. Therefore, we can eliminate any number less than -5.

Now, let's consider rational numbers greater than -5. It could be any positive number or any negative number between 0 and -5. To narrow down the options further, we need more information. If there are any additional constraints or conditions given in the problem, please provide them so we can determine the specific rational number that should be in the second circle.